Welcome To AWAB
Awab company management consulting and training of the leading international companies engaged in providing management consulting services, and training and development of human resources of the highest quality and excellence standards to keep pace with the changing needs of the institutions, companies and individuals. The establishment of our belief in the importance of the company to provide integrated solutions for companies to raise their competitiveness. The company is the station to meet all the training and advisory needs of the institutions, companies and individuals. The company offers training services in various administrative areas, finance, procurement, legal, security, and information systems, sales and marketing, quality and public relations, health and safety, environment, energy, insurance, transport and programs of local communities, agriculture and urban development development. The company also provides consulting services in the field of administration, sales and marketing, human resources through advisers with considerable experience in these areas.
Why Choose Us ?
To be a strategic partner, has the confidence and support of clients seeking top and excellence • to be the company's favorite and most trusted in the provision of training and advisory services to individuals and institutions.
Arab Human resource development, within programs and solutions that meet the actual needs of the Arab market, and the promotion of scientific and practical abilities • To achieve a quantum leap in the performance of Arab institutions • Achieve value-added services through excellence
Provide better training and advisory services scientific methodology, and contribute to the rehabilitation and development of human resources and the empowerment of Arab institutions, through keep pace with global developments.